Monday 30 August 2010

Women and Children Last

Women and Children Last – Murderdolls

And now to review something completely different. The Murderdolls are back with their latest release “Women and Children Last”. The super group made up of Wednesday 13 and Joey Jordison have come to shock you again, and it’s exactly what this album does. If the striking artwork isn’t enough to scare little children then the music most certainly will.

Chapel Of Blood Sets the gory scene for the album which the Murderdolls seem to be accustom to with the video of My Dark Place Alone following a similar topic. The punchy riffs from Slipknot drummer Joey Jordison on guitar traps you from the start of this chaotic album, and as the album progresses there seems to be no let up in the power and ferocity of them. Drug Me Baby’s chorus is very catchy and will have you singing it for a while to come. Nowhere surprisingly has a rather upbeat pop metal feel to it which will ensnare many people into the Murderdolls’ trap. There is no doubt that this song will win them a lot of new fans and possibly loose some of the more hardcore fans. Summertime Suicide has a sinister lyrical meaning but yet again a very upbeat rhythm. This oxymoronic song is another one which will have you singing it for a long time to come. Death Valley Superstars is a welcome return for many of the heavier fans with its colossal heavy riffs and epic solo. However the song seems to be a “Fuck” fest as it is featured slightly too many times for many peoples liking My Dark Place Alone is also guilty of this despite this it is a great song which we saw when it was released as a single. Blood Stained Valentine has a very strange choice of lyrics but has the typical Murderdolls feel to it with a great solo to add. Pieces of You is another example of horrific lyrical choice but has a awesome vibe. Homicide Drive is a great but dark song. The guitar work on this song gives the song a really great eerie feel to it. This song is one of the best of the album with some Tom Morrello like work on the solo. It also has a great beat to it which will have your fist pumping or foot tapping. Rock N’ Roll is all I Got has a great “I sold my soul for rock and roll” vibe, this is shown in the Rock N’ Roll breakdown with only the bass, drums and vocal to be heard which emphasises the whole point of the song. Nothing’s Gonna Be Alright is another pop metal vibe song and has a very similar feel to Summertime Suicide with another very poppy solo to it. Whatever You Got, I’m Against It this is a great feeling song with a kind of heavy Airbourne meets Blink-182 feel to it which makes it very Rock N Roll but again very punky this surely is another great from a classic album. The Final song Hello, Goodbye, Die is a fast balls to the wall song with a rock n roll element with a very classic rock solo.

This album is very aggressive but, also has many different vibes to it. In some songs it can be very catchy pop type songs whereas others have a very classic rock feel just with a bit more distortion. The lyrical topics for most of the songs are very gory and has very horrific tale to tell but, is done to reflect the bands image. The only criticism for this album is perhaps a bit too much over the top swearing (again this is to fit in with the bands “we don’t care what people thing of us” image); however this is a great album and will be enjoyed by many metal fans who could lend this to a friend and have them hooked too!


Image taken from

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