Thursday 17 March 2011

Edge of the Earth - Sylosis review!

Sylosis – Edge of the Earth

When we heard late last year that Sylosis vocalist Jamie Graham had left the band we were eager to see what would happen to the band. Lead guitarist Josh Middleton took up the position and has arguably done a better job than his predecessor. The band have bounced back and released their second album Edge of the Earth.

Procession calm and serene start gives way to Sylosis’ sheer power. The song is full of great harmonic break downs mixed with some of the heaviest riffs out there. This song sets the tone for the rest of the album which follows in much of the same vain. Although it is a fairly long song you don’t lose interest due to the many time changes and various different feels. Sands of Time picks up where Procession left off however the song is quite a bit faster but as with Procession the song has many brutal breakdowns. Empyreal was made available on youtube before the release of the album and was one of the first songs I heard by the band. With its insane guitar solos/harmonies and a heavy rhythms Empyreal is a true modern great. Empyreal part 2 is really just a short clean outro to such an epic song. A Serpents Tongue is to be summed up by saying: Fast, snappy, melodic and great harmonies. Songs like these make you see that a lot of effort has been put into the writing and production of this album and that it has paid off. Awakening brings slower more chunky riffs to get your hands around before going back to the wondrous guitar solo’s that we have become used to. A clean singing section shows the true depth of this bands musical talent and is slightly Machine Headesque. Kingdom of Solitude starts with some great Trivium styled tremolo picking and easily sounds like it could have come off Trivium’s Ember to Inferno, so if you like Trivium but want to go slightly heavier then Sylosis is definitely for you!

Where the Sky Ends (an instrumental) reminds me a lot of the band Scale The Summit. The song is slower but has such a great feel with such guitar mastery which is unparalleled. This song is definitely entering into the realms of prog but in such a great way certainly a feel good song. Dystopia starts with an acoustic intro before being plunged into a brutally heavy main riff. Although very different from the previous song this song is testament to the bands skills whilst being super fast there are also super precise melodies. Apparitions is one of my personal favourites and has everything that I personally look for in a song: Great intro, Solid riff, great harmonies, bridge and immense solos this song has it all! Altered State of Consciousness is a straight up fast paced song with a great guitar line which is (as previously mentioned) a lot like Trivium. Like Apparitions this song has a great bridge/break down before going back to that great guitar line. Beyond The Resurrected although slightly slower in tempo has a great beat which will have your head bobbing and if this doesn’t then I don’t know what will. This is another song with a great clean section before returning to distortion for another fantastic new beat. Eclipsed has a slightly odd intro because of the choice of notes but for me its something that works well and the band have used it well to structure the rest of the song which follows this pattern, its very funky but is clearly metal. From the Edge of the Earth is another on of the albums longer songs which has a great clean intro before going into what I call the Metallica section as there is a certain riff that sounds similar to that of Orion from Master of Puppets before completely changing tack. This song perfectly combines metal and clean styles with the result being a brilliant progressive, dark and brutal song.

There are no real faults with this album; it is also spot on from a production side! For an upcoming band on their second album there is no greater that can be done that what they have just produced! This album is a stunner and we expect great things from this band.

Edge of the Earth-Sylosis 10/10

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