Monday 18 July 2011

MoCara debut EP "The Shallow South" Review

MoCara – The Shallow South

Local boys MoCara recently released their debut EP “The Shallow South”. MoCara is something totally out of the blue and an assault on the senses at first listen, their fusion of punk-rock and groove makes this a very intriguing listen. The band features some very catchy guitar leads but then again some punchy rhythms supported by technical drumming. The EP starts with the punchy “We’ll Never Mention Tonight” , which is MoCara in a can. This song picks up on all of the features of the EP: Rapid rhythms, catchy leads, raw vocals, grooving passages, killer solos and a momentous breakdown. The next song “Love Has Grown” follows in the same vain and is a personal favourite of mine. Probably one of the more catchy songs on the EP “Love Has Grown” will have you humming the guitar intro within seconds! “Break Us Down” follows with a clean intro before throwing you back into that punchy punk rock vibe before returning to the former with great precision. “Apathy/Insanity” features the standard punk rock sound but also features an immense groove which flows through the entire song. Before you know it you’re onto the last track of the EP “Never Be Gone” which features another one of those fantastic catchy riffs balanced with a great groove. Overall the EP is testament to the band members own different talents, each track presents you with something different whilst remaining unanimously MoCara. The only slight criticism I have is that the lyrics are possibly a bit too samey with various mentions of drug taking (possibly a bit over emphasised), apart from that it is very solid considering it is a debut EP! Look out for MoCara, soon to be on iTunes. To hear MoCara’s music go to the bands facebook page!

MoCara is:

Stu Andrews – Guitar + Vocals

Gary Rendle –Guitar

Axel Olsson –Bass

Joe Colfar – Drums

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